Mental Health Resources

Downloadable Resource
The following is a download for mental health resources and is not intended to be fully comprehensive.
Mental Health Resources and Planning Checklist
If you'd like to request copies of this resource, please follow the link here: Mental Health Resources and Planning Checklist Brochure Request
Crisis Numbers
The following is a growing list of mental health resources and is not intended to be fully comprehensive.
911 Emergency Medical Services:
Dial 911
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:
Dial 988 or 1-800-273-8255 or
Bay Arenac Behavioral Health Crisis Line:
Community Mental Health for Central Michigan Crisis Line
(Serving Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Mecosta, Midland and Osceola Counties):
Crisis Text Line:
Text HELLO to 741741
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline:
1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor or
Listening Ear Crisis Center 24/7:
Clare County: 1-989-386-2774
Isabella County: 1-989-772-2918
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-7233, text START to 88788 or
National Sexual Assault Hotline:
1-800-656-4673 or
Saginaw Community Mental Health Authority Crisis Line:
SAMHSA National Helpline:
Trans Lifeline:
Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention):
Veterans Crisis Line:
Dial 988 and press 1 or dial 1-800-273-8255 and press 1
Support Resources
The following is a growing list of mental health resources and is not intended to be fully comprehensive.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Al-Anon Family Groups:
Gamblers Anonymous:
Man Therapy:
Mental Health America Screenings:
Michigan Peer Warmline: 1-888-733-7753
Moodfit App (free):
NAMI Helpline: 1-800-950-6264
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings:
Psychology Today Support Groups:
Sex Addicts Anonymous:
Great Lakes Bay Region and National Treatment Locators
The following is a growing list of mental health resources and is not intended to be fully comprehensive.
MiHopePortal (regional treatment locators, community supports and resources):
Information and Referral Service:
Dial 211
Mid-State Health Network:
SAMHSA Treatment Locator:
Psychology Today - Find a Therapist:
Great Lakes Bay Region Inpatient and
Partial Hospitalization Treatment
The following is a growing list of mental health resources and is not intended to be fully comprehensive.
HealthSource Saginaw (Adult, Child & Adolescent, and Geriatric Inpatient Care):
McLaren Bay Region Adult Partial Hospitalization Program:
McLaren Bay Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit:
McLaren Bay Region Senior Behavioral Health Unit:
MyMichigan Medical Center Midland Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit:
MyMichigan Adult Partial Hospitalization Program:
Great Lakes Bay Region Non-Profit
Community Supports for Mental Health
The following is a growing list of non-government related non-profits who provide mental health
community supports and this list is not intended to be fully comprehensive.
Bay Area of Women's Center:
Barb Smith Suicide Resource and Response Network:
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Great Lakes Bay Region:
Boys and Girls Clubs of the Great Lakes Bay Region:
CAN Council Great Lakes Bay Region:
Catholic Family Service:
Child & Family Services of Saginaw:
Children’s Grief Center of Great Lakes Bay Region:
Disability Network of Mid-Michigan:
Emmaus House of Saginaw:
Families Against Narcotics:
Family & Children's Services of Mid-Michigan:
For a Brighter Tomorrow:
Great Lakes PACE:
Great Lakes Bay Pride:
Great Lakes Bay Region Mental Health Partnership:
Mid-Michigan Adult & Teen Challenge:
Midland Kids First:
Midland’s Open Door:
Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition:
National Alliance on Mental Illness Midland County:
PartnerShift Network:
Peer 360 Recovery Alliance:
R.I.S.E. Advocacy (Clare, Gladwin and Isabella Counties):
River Joran, Inc.:
Safe and Sound Child Advocacy Center:
Saginaw County Youth Protection Council:
Saginaw Odyssey House:
Self Love Beauty:
Senior Services of Midland County:
Shelterhouse of Midland and Gladwin Counties:
Ten16 Recovery Network:
The Arc's of Bay, Isabella and Midland Counties:
The Breaking Bread Village:
The Legacy Center for Community Success:
The ROCK Center for Youth Development:
United Way's of Bay, Gratiot & Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw Counties:
West Midland Family Center:
Women of Colors:
Underground Railroad, Inc.:
Additional Resources
The following is a growing list of mental health resources and is not intended to be fully comprehensive.
AAP Mental Health Links
The AAP focuses on transforming systems & practices, building clinician skills, disseminating tools and enhancing community resources for MH/SA care.
Eisenberg Family Depression Center Toolkit
Thanks for visiting the Depression Center Toolkit. The Toolkit provides information, tools, support, and resources to guide you through your mental health journey. The Toolkit offers help to people who are experiencing problems with mood, problems with stress/anxiety, those who have been recently diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder, and those receiving treatment for mood disorders. The Toolkit also offers help to family members and caregivers of those who suffer from mood disorders, and all people who wish to understand bipolar illnesses, depressions, and related disorders.
National Network of Depression Centers Resources
A collection of mental health resources and best practices compiled by the National Network of Depression Centers.
NAMI Navigating a Mental Health Crisis Guide
This guide outlines what can contribute to a crisis, warning signs that a crisis is emerging, strategies to help de-escalate a crisis, available resources and so much more.
Provides one-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information.
Money Geek's Guide to Obtaining Insurance for Mental Health Care
Mental health is an essential aspect of our everyday life. It impacts how we think, feel, handle stress, interact with others and make decisions. Yet each year, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), more than 26 million Americans struggle to find accessible mental health care, partly because they have to navigate a complicated and costly system.
PRiSMM Telemental Health Resoures
Preventing Suicide in Michigan Men (PRiSMM) is a 5-year CDC grant-funded program aimed at reducing suicide in men ages 25 and older. To achieve this goal, MDHHS has implemented a comprehensive, multi-sector partnership and action plan that targets the male population in the state.
Since 2018, Rehab Spot has served the community as an online informational resource dedicated to supporting anyone battling substance abuse or a co-occurring disorder. All the data available on Rehab Spot is curated and developed with our audience’s best interest in mind. A team of journalists and researchers designs the content published on our website. The team references scientific, medical, or relevant publications from government agencies or medical journals that are fact-based to ensure quality.
If you or someone else has a medical or mental health emergency or requires immediate assistance dial 911.
If you are experiencing a suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, or if you are worried about someone who may need crisis support dial 988.