Major Industries
The Great Lakes Bay Region is home to a varied economy supported by an assortment of large industries.
For a more comprehensive look at the region’s industries, visit GREATLAKESBAYSITES.COM.

When Herbert H. Dow founded Dow Chemical in Midland in 1897, he began the creation of what is now one of the world’s largest chemical manufacturing clusters. Now, the region is home to several material science and solutions providers.

With a wealth of large, renowned hospitals and schools in both nursing and medicine, the region has a large healthcare network.

A tradition of manufacturing excellence runs deep in the Great Lakes Bay Region from the thermoforming hub of Gladwin County to the heavy machinery manufacturers of Saginaw County.

In rural counties such as Arenac, Gratiot, and Clare, crops such as corn, soybeans, and sugar beets are key to the economy.

Michigan is the heart of the world’s automotive industry, and the Great Lakes Bay Region has been a crucial part of it for over 100 years. Global leaders such as General Motors and Nexteer Automotive have a large local presence.